The present legal notice regulate the use if the web site of which the holder NABIL RAGAEI KAMEL (NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA from now on).


The surfing in the web site of NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA attribute the condition of USER of the site and entails it´s complete acceptance without reservations of all and each of the conditions printed in this legal notice, warning that these conditions can be modified without any previous notice on behalf of NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA, in which case will proceed to its publication and notice as quickly as possible.


Therefore it is recommended that you read the content carefully in case you wish to access and use the information and services offered on the web site.


The USER is also obliged to make correct use of the web site in accordance to the law, in good faith, law and order, the uses of the present Legal Notice, and will respond to the NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA or a third party that any damage could be caused as consequence to the failure of such obligation.


Whatever different use to that of the one authorized is expressly prohibited, allowing NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA to refuse or withdraw the access and use at any moment.




NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA in compliance with law 34/2002, of the 11 July, of Services in Society of the Information and Electronic Commerce, informs you that:


It´s social domain is: NABIL RAGAEI KAMEL


It´s commercial name is: NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA.


It´s CIF is: 01673535D.


It´s social address is in: Calle Conde las Posadas 5 C PBJ, 28042 Madrid




To communicate with us we put at your disposal different means of contact which we will appear in detail:




All the notifications and communications between the user and NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA will be considered efficient in all respects when they are carried out via one of the above mentions means of communication.




The web site and its services are of free access and have no cost. Although NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA can control the use of some of the services offered on its web to previously filling in of the corresponding form.


The user guarantees the authenticity and that all the data given to the NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA are currant and will be the only one responsible if any of the information given is false or inexact.


The user promises to give the contents of the services of NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA its correct use and not use them for other means, such as:


To spread criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive, terrorism, or in general anything which is against the law or public order.


Introduce computer viruses, or conduct actions which could alter, break, interrupt or generate errors or damage the electronic documents, data or physical or logical systems of NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA or third parties, as well as hinder the access to any other users to the web site and its services by means of massive consumption of computer resources in which NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA offers its services.


Try to get access to the e-mail accounts of other users or registered areas of the computer system of NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA or third parties, and in this case extract information.


Violate the rights to intellectual or industrial property, as well as violate the confidentiality of the information of NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA or third parties.


Impersonate any other user.


Reproduce, copy, distribute, put to the disposal of or any other form of public communication, transform or modify the contents, unless you have the holders of the corresponding right consent and it is legally permitted.


Collect data aimed for publicity and to send publicity of any kind and communications aimed at sales or of a commercial nature without asking for previous consent.


All the contents of the web site, eg: texts, photos, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, as well as its graphic designs, source codes, all make up a whole which belongs to NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA, without the user being able to have rights to exploit it further than that strictly necessary for the correct use of the web.


In the end, the users which connect to this web site can see the contents and in their case make authorized private copies providing that the elements have not been transferred to any other party or that they install them onto other servers connected to the network or be an objective of some type of exploitation.


Furthermore, al the brands, commercial names or distinguishing signs of any type that appear on the web site belong to NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA, so it is understood that the user has no rights over them.


The distribution, modification, transfer or public communication of the contents or any other act which has not been expressly authorizes by the holder are strictly prohibited.


The establishment of the hyperlink doesn´t in any case implicate the existence of relations between NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA and the owner of the website in which is established, neither the acceptance or the approval on behalf of the NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA of its contents or services.


NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA will not be held responsible of the use each user gives to all the material put to their disposal on the web site or any of the proceedings carried out on it.




The content of the web site is of a general character and had a mere informative purpose, without giving any guarantee of obtaining access to all the content, or its comprehensiveness, correction, validity or its suitability for a specific objective.


NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA excludes, up to where the legal system permits, any responsibility for damage or harm of any nature derived from:


The failure to access the web site or lack of accuracy, exactness, comprehensiveness and /or currant importance of contents, as well as the existence of habits and defects of all types of the transmitted contents, spread, stored, put at the disposal, to those who have accessed via the web site to the services which are offered.


The presence of viruses and other elements of the contents which could produce alterations in the computers, electronic documents or data belonging to the user.


The non-compliance with the law, the good faith, the public order, the use of the traffic of the present legal notice as consequence of the incorrect use of the web site. In particular, and specifically, NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA will not be held responsible for any actions carried out by any third party which violate the rights of intellectual and industrial property, business secrecy, rights to honour, personal and family intimacy and one’s self image, as well as the regulation of disloyal competence and illicit publicity.


Furthermore, NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA declines any responsibility regarding the information found outside of the web site and which is not directly managed by our webmaster. The role of the links which appear on this web is exclusively to inform the user of the existence of other sources susceptible to expand the contents offered on the web site. NABIL


OFTALMOLOGIA doesn´t guarantee or won´t be held responsible of the functioning or the accessibility of the linked sites, or suggested, invited or recommended to visualize them, so will also not be held responsible for the results obtained. NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA will not be held responsible for the establishment of hyperlinks on behalf of third parties.




In the case that any user or third party considers the existence of facts or circumstances of an illicit character of the use of any content and / or the realization of any activity in the included or accessible web pages via the web site should send a notification to NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA duly identifying and specifying the alleged violations.




The administrative information given through the web site doesn´t substitute the legal publicity of the laws, rules, planes, general dispositions and acts which have to be formally published in the legal newspapers of the public administrations, which form the only instrument which gives faith of its authenticity and content. The information available on the web site should be understood as a guide without any legal validity.




When we need to obtain information from you, we will always request that you expressly, voluntarily provide it. The information received from the forms received from the web site or other ways, will be included in a data file of a personal character registered in the General Registry of Data Protection of the Spanish Agency of Data Protection, whom is responsible NABIL RAGAEI KAMEL (NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA). This entity will treat all the data confidentially and exclusively with the purpose of offering the services requested, with all the legal guarantees and security which the Organic Law 15/1999 of the 13 December, the Data Protection of a Personal Character, the Royal Decree 1720/2007 of the 21 December and the Law 34/2002 of the 11 July of Services of the Society of the Information of the Electronic Commerce, imposes.


NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA will not cede or share any of the data with a third party without your express consent.


Furthermore, NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA will cancel or rectify any data when they result to be inexact, incomplete, or have ceased to be necessary or pertinent for its use, of compliance to the Organic Law 15/1999 of the 13 December, of the Data Protection of a Personal Character.


The user can revoke the consent given and exercise the right to access, rectify, and cancel and opposition addressing for this purpose to the following address: NABIL RAGAEI KAMEL, in Calle Conde las Posadas 5 C PBJ, 28042 Madrid. dually identified and expressly indicating which right they wish to exercise.


NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA adopts de security levels corresponding to the ones required by the stated Organic Law 15/1999 and laws applicable. Never the less, it cannot completely guarantee the absolute invulnerability of the systems. Therefor will not assume any responsibility for damaged derived from alterations caused by third parties in the computer systems, electronic documents or users files.


If you decide to abandon our web site via links to web sites which do not belong to our entity, NABIL OFTALMOLOGIA will not be held responsible for these web sites or their cookies which could download onto the user’s computer.


Our policy with respects to the e-mail is centred in only replying to that which you have requested.


If you prefer not to receive these e-mails, we offer you the possibility to exercise the rights of cancelation and reject the reception of these messages, in accordance to Titulo III, articulo 22 of the Law 34/2002, of Services for the Society of the Information of the Electronic Commerce.




What are the cookies?


A cookie is a file which is downloaded onto your computer when you access certain web pages. The cookies permit a web page amongst other things to store and recover information about navigational habits of the user and his computer, depending on the information it contains and the way they use their computer it can also be used to identify the user.


Why do we use cookies on this page, and which ones are they?


This web uses cookies for a series of reason, which are:


Necessities: These cookies are essential to be able to surf in the web site and use its different functions, e.g. Access to secure areas. Without these cookies services required cannot be provided, like shopping baskets or electronic invoices.


Efficiency: These cookies collect information about the way the visitors use the web site, e.g. in what refers to the web pages which are visited with most frequency, if there are any, and the error messages which could occur.


In this case, the cookies do not collect identifying information from the visitors, there for being non-aggregated information, and anonymous whose aim is uniquely to better the running of the web site.


Functions: These cookies permit the web site remember the selections carried out by the visitors (like the name of the user, language or region, etc.)Providing bettered and personalized functions (e.g. a web site which can give you the weather forecast or information about the local traffic storing in a cookie the region in which the user is in at that moment).


These cookies can also be used to remind the changes which the user carries out such as the change in text size, the source and other sections of the pages which can be personalized. Likewise, they can be used to provide services requested, like see a video or comment on a blog.


In conclusion, the information which the cookies collect can be anonymous, not been able to carry out a follow up of the navigational activity carried out in another web site.


Analysis: they are those cookies which properly treated by us or a third party, allow us to quantify the number of users and that way carry out a statistical analysis of the use the users give the service. For this purpose the navigation of our web page is analysed with the purpose of bettering the user’s experience.




Google Analytics


Third party


It helps us measure the interaction of the users with the content of the site. When the user surfs in the pages of, Google Analytics gives us information of such sites via JavaScript labels (libraries) to register the information about the pages the user has seen, e.g. the URL of the page and the product. In no case do the cookies serve for storing information which permits to identify the physical person user of the Web site. The use “cookies” is exclusively reserved to facilitate the accessibility to the User of the Web site.


The use cookies of a session ( will be eliminated at the close of the browser), in the case that they are used, they will only be limited to collect technical information to identify the session with the objective been to facilitate the secure and efficient exploration of the web site.


Google Analytics Google centre of privacy:




Sent from our servers or domains and from where the service offered is published in our pages in




Collect information about the user’s navigation in the web page in order to know the origin of the visit and other similar information of a statistical level. Don´t obtain data of names or surnames of the user or address from which they are connected.


More Information:


Google Analytical Centre of privacy of Google


Note: The cookies of type “Propias” are only used by the owner of this web and the cookies of “De terceros” are used by the loaner or the services which is detailed in the table above.


How can I deactivate or eliminate these cookies?


You can permit, block, or eliminate the downloaded cookies from your computer via the configuration of the options of your navigator installed in your computer.


Complement of incapacitation for navigators of Google Analytics


If you wish to reject the analytical cookies of Google Analytics from all the navigators, in the way that no information of yours is sent to Google Analytics, you can download a compliment which carries out this function from this link:


Applicable Legislation


The present conditions shall be governed by the currant Spanish Legislation.


The language used will be Spanish (Castellano).

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